BotBuilder and its tabs

This article describes how to open the BotBuilder and what tabs it contains.

BotBuilder – an instrument designed to create the Agent’s Script. It enables users to create Agents with the help of a graphical interface. It includes the following tabs: AGENT DESIGNER, INTENTS and EXTERNAL REQUESTS.
Agent — a bot’s code written with the help of the Platform. The Agent follows the defined logic of interaction with the Bot User and external services. The Agent can be connected to one or several Channels.
Script — a script which defines the bot’s actions.

Opening the BotBuilder
To open the BotBuilder, click DESIGN on the Agent’s box.

After clicking DESIGN, this will open the AGENT DESIGNER section of the BotBuilder, and will see the Agent’s Script Tree.

You can go back to the Project by clicking on its name.

BotBuilder’s tabs

The BotBuilder contains three tabs: AGENT DESIGNER, INTENTS and EXTERNAL REQUESTS:

To go to a tab, click on its name.

AGENT DESIGNER tab is a tab where the user creates the Agent’s Dialog Tree and tests the Agent’s Scenario in the Debug widget. See Agent’s Script tab – Agent Designer to learn more.

INTENTS tab is a tab where the user creates and edits Intents to further use them in the Agents of the Company and NLU slots. See Intents tab – Intents to learn more.

EXTERNAL REQUESTS tab is a tab where the user creates and edits External requests to further use them in the Agents of the Company. See External requests tab – External requests to learn more.