Channels Connectivity

In this article the user will be able to get to know on how to set up the connectivity between Chatbot Platform and Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, and Public API Omnichannel.

API interaction for Chatbot

Architecture Requirements:

  • Chatbot exists in the Chat Platform as a virtual agent.​
  • Virtual agent acts as a live operator in terms of dialogs routing and analytics.​
  • When a Chatbot is connected to a Chat Platform, a webhook of the Chatbot is specified on the side of the Chat Platform, and a webhook of the Chat Platform is specified on the side of the Chatbot for Bot API requests.​
  • If the user sends a file, this file must be saved on the server of the Chat Platform, and a direct link to the file must be sent to the Chatbot Platform in the body of the message.​
  • When a Chatbot sends a file to the channel, it sends a direct link to the file to the Chat Platform.​

Incoming Messaging:

WABA Notification and Messaging Afterwards: