What are the restrictions in Viber Business Messages?

Brands should be aware of the following restrictions:

Message content

Below is a list of industries that will not be accepted for Business Messages and will be rejected by Rakuten Viber operations team, without limitation to other types of industries:

Political parties or organizations with a political nature

Gambling and Trade – online and offline casino businesses, bidding, lottery, bitcoin, binary options and forex companies
Credit/loan services and pawn shops unless these services are offered by a registered financial institution such as banks and services that are endorsed by banks
Content with sexual nature and any other adult content
Tobacco related services
Alcohol related services
Businesses that are involved in weapons and drug trade
Open portals/blogs that have no control over the published content, for example
Internet websites that allow its users to create content and share it
Religious services including churches, temples, mosques etc
Online spiritual services such as tarot cards readings, astrological mapping, etc
Companies that we consider as Viber’s competitors
Please also note that sending out any content or information that violates the laws of the user’s country of residence is forbidden. Rakuten Viber may further revise and update the content restrictions.

Promoting other messaging channels

According to Viber Guidelines, it is NOT allowed to promote any other messaging channels except Viber.

Sending messages to non-opt-in users

According to Viber Guidelines, messaging users who did not provide their consent to receive information from your brand is prohibited.


Any policy/guideline breach may lead to fines and compensation for damages.