
Returns a suppression list since provided date.


Request Body

POST https://dns-name/suppression/list
Content-Type: application/json
X-API-KEY: Value

  "reason": "string",
  "source": "string",
  "limit": 0,
  "from_date": "string",
  "start_position": "string"

Request Parameters

reasonSTRINGCause of email being suppressed. One of:

– unsubscribed: email is unsubscribed;
– temporary_unavailable: the email address is unavailable. This means that over the next three days sending to this address will return an error. Email may be temporarily unavailable due to several reasons, e.g.:
a. a previous email has been rejected by the recipient’s server for spam;
b. the recipient’s mailbox is full or is not used;
c. recipient’s domain does not accept mail;
d. sending server was rejected due to blacklisting;
– permanent_unavailable: the email address is permanently unavailable due to multiple hard bounces;
– complained: the recipient reported spam in the previous emails;
– blocked: sending to the email is prohibited by administration of GMS.

We may add some new causes in the future.
»sourceSTRINGSource of email being suppressed. One of:

– user: suppressed by user with SUPPRESSION-SET
– system: sending to the email is prohibited by system, for example due to multiple hard bounces;
– subscriber: the recipient reported spam or unsubscribed in the previous emails.
from_dateSTRINGDate in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss to get suppression list from the “start_time” to the present day. Ignored if “cursor” is not empty
start_positionSTRING (UTC-DATE-TIME)The parameter indicates from which position the selection is to be started. Must be empty or omitted for the first data chunk. In order to get subsequent chunks, you must set the “cursor” parameter in your request, using the value received in response to the previous request.
limitINTEGERLimits the number of records to be returned at one time, default is 50

Response Body

  "status": "string",
  "suppressions": [
      "reason": "string",
      "source": "string",
      "created": "string",
      "project_id": "string",
      "is_deletable": true
  "start_position": "string"

HTTP Code 200:

Returns a suppression list since provided date

Response Parameters

statusSTRING REQUIRED“Success” string
suppressionsSTRING REQUIREDArray of suppression objects
»project_idARRAYUnqiue project identifier, ASCII string up to 36 characters long
reasonINTEGERCause of email being suppressed. One of:

– unsubscribed: email is unsubscribed;
– temporary_unavailable: the email address is unavailable. This means that over the next three days sending to this address will return an error. Email may be temporarily unavailable due to several reasons, e.g.:
a. a previous email has been rejected by the recipient’s server for spam;
b. the recipient’s mailbox is full or is not used;
c. recipient’s domain does not accept mail;
d. sending server was rejected due to blacklisting;
– permanent_unavailable: the email address is permanently unavailable due to multiple hard bounces;
– complained: the recipient reported spam in the previous emails;
– blocked: sending to the email is prohibited by administration of GMS.

We may add some new causes in the future.
Source of email being suppressed. One of:

– user: suppressed by user with SUPPRESSION-SET
– system: sending to the email is prohibited by system, for example due to multiple hard bounces;
– subscriber: the recipient reported spam or unsubscribed in the previous emails.
Is it possible to delete this suppression by calling suppression/delete method
createdSTRING (UTC-DATE-TIME) When suppression was created, in UTC timezone in “YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss” format
The parameter indicates from which position the selection is to be started. Must be empty or omitted for the first data chunk. In order to get subsequent chunks, you must set the “cursor” parameter in your request, using the value received in response to the previous request.

HTTP Code default:

Error occurred
  "status": "string",
  "code": 0,
  "message": "string"
“Error” string
Human-readable error message in English
API Error code